]> copperhead's blog http://www.inpassing.org/blog/view/959 enwarning, offensive http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/2300 a lot of people might not see the humor in this, so let me start off by saying why i think it's funny. 1 how often can you sing offensive men's room graffiti? 2 between composing it and writing it, this guy must have stayed on the crapper for days.<br> <br/>"for all the guys who've been screwed by mara c:<br> <br/>mara the homie bitch<br> she'll make your privates itch<br> but for a tank of gas<br> she'll let you go up her ass<br> she's mara the homie bitch!<br> <br/>mara the pop-eyed whore<br> she'll suck you off and more<br> just give her a rock<br> and she'll ride your cock<br> she's mara the pop-eyed whore!<br> <br/>thank you and good night!"