]> lee_json's blog http://www.inpassing.org/blog/view/890 enAnorexic http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/2232 "I think I'm anorexic. Everytime I look in a mirror I see a fat person."<br /> <br /> Said with a healthy dollop of irony by a rather obviously overweight woman drinking pints of ale in a London beer gardenRohypnol http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/2231 Man, you think she's bad? Dan's ex was so ugly, and tragically she knew it. Rumour has it she wouldn't even masterbate without Rohypnol.<br /> <br /> Guy on mobile phone outside London tube station.Autistic guitar http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/2230 Man 1: "He was playing autistic guitar."<br /> Man 2: "You mean acoustic!"<br /> Man 1: "No, I mean autistic - the right chords, the wrong order."Solar eclipse http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/2229 Woman 1: "What are those?"<br /> Woman 2: "Special glasses so I can view today's solar eclipse without losing my retinas."<br /> Woman 1: "What's a solar eclipse?"<br /> Woman 2: "When the moon passes between the earth and the sun blocking out the light."<br /> Woman 1: "Really? Today? That will be good, it's been hot lately and we could do with the rain."<br /> <br /> Heard on a train outside London Bridge station, Southeast London, UK.