]> yourstar_notmine's blog http://www.inpassing.org/blog/view/531 endiscovering coffee http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/1772 girl 1 - "and i discovered that coffee eventually makes you sleep!" <br /> girl 2 - "...really?"<br /> girl 1 - "yea, dude...I TOTALLY PASSED OUT!"<br /> <i>- 2 girls at the store</i>remember high fidelity? http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/1758 <b>me</b>: why the hell after 10 months should it matter why i broke up with him?<br /> <b>friend</b>: because he's probably just been dumped again and he's trying to figure out a pattern. Remember High Fidelity?<br /> <b>me</b>: i know, but i don't care. he's a terrible lay and an even worse person.<br /> -<i>me talking to my friend after talking to my ex-b/f</i>a couple days late - teenage boys & janet's boob http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/1715 boy 1 - "wow, did you guys see janet's boob?"<br /> boy 2 - "dude, yea...it looked like a white girl's boob!"<br /> boy 1 - "yea, i know, how disappointing..."<br /> -<i>2 boys within a group of guys in the hallway before 1st hour</i>this guy thinks far too much http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/1696 boy - "have you ever noticed when your arm rubs off of a table it sometimes makes a farting noise?"<br /> girl - "yes, indeed. what about it?"<br /> boy - "well...what kind-of sound do you think you would get if you farted on a table? logic dictates you would get an arm sound..." <br /> girl - "*laughs* now <b>that</b> is a question to be considered."<br /> - <i>two teenagers at the grocery store</i>this was just so adorable http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/1642 *a little boy walks over to the soda fountain at st.louis bread company and stands on his tip toes with his cup to try and get soda*<br /> *a man walks over and sees the boy and helps him* <i>author's note: i assumed it was his dad or something</i><br /> *a woman walks over as the man is finishing helping the boy get his drink*<br /> woman - "oh, spencer, why didn't you just wait for mommy?" <br /> boy - *smiles up from his soda and walks away*<br /> man - "i just...saw him struggling, it was no big deal."<br /> woman - "well thank you so so much."<br /> man - "it's not a problem, he's a cute kid"<br /> *they smile at each other and look each other over, before the man walks away*<br /> - <i>scene took place at my local st.louis bread company...and i could tell by the way that woman looked at that man that she was thinking 'he'd make a good father'...it was the look in her eye. and the little boy really was a cutie.</i>poor kid...everybody laughed http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/1622 boy - "hey!" <br /> girl - "look, don't talk to me on school grounds."<br /> boy - "wha?" <br /> girl - "y'know what...don't talk me outside of school grounds either."<br /> boy - "i..."<br /> girl - "go away."<br /> <i>-a guy and girl in the hallway at my school</i>the girl tried to massage my butt http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/1617 girl1 - "i got a massage for christmas...in miami."<br /> girl2 - "at an expensive spa and everything?"<br /> girl1 - "yep. although at one point i was about to fall asleep and the girl tried to massage my butt! when i said 'what are you doing?!', she said 'i thought you were asleep'. isn't that a little weird?"<br /> girl2 - "well that can be part of the massage sometimes."<br /> girl1 - "yea, well. my mom didn't tell me that they were going to massage my butt."<br /> <i>-2 girls in my Algebra 2 class</i>south park jesus http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/1615 guy1 - "shut up SPJ."<br /> guy2 - *looks horrified*<br /> guy3 - "SPJ?"<br /> guy1 - "he didn't tell you? this customer came in the other day asking about a tv and said he had already talked to someone about it, when i asked who, he said 'i don't know. um...he looked like south park jesus'.<br /> guy3 - "you're kidding? *laughs hysterically*"<br /> guy1 - "the worst part is i was watching south park the other night and jesus was fighting satan and the whole time i'm going 'kurt is fighting satan! kurt is fighting satan!'"<br /> <i>-3 employees of RadioShack talking while trying to fix my cell phone</i>