]> Bob Dobbs's blog http://www.inpassing.org/blog/view/378 enWorkin for the man http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/1712 Well, a week now since starting my new job. Not a job I like; but, a job to ease the tower of bills that seem to accumulate when there is no film or tv work around. I'm working in....a call center. Yes, that's right, a call center: "Hello, my name is Desperate McSlacker and I'm calling from Morally Dubious SuperConglomerCorps. I'm calling to either push more sweatshop created crap on you at a price that seems cheap to you, in a veiled attempt for the corporation I'm currently employeed by to gather as much personal information upon as possible, whereby it can be utilaized by every other subsiduary company hidden within our heirarchy. ...Do you want fries with that?" A University degree in Theatre, 12 years working in the entertainment industry (stage hand, Campus Radio Assistant Manager, shop hand, fly gallery, Video Assist, Casting Associate, Roadie...blah, blah, blah) and I can't find anything for the past three months. I'm purposely not looking for bartending/serving jobs (industry burnout, y'know, might snap) and due to the decided lack of anything else on my resume, I can't even get an interview at a Plastic Extruding Factory. The only job interview I get is for a freakin call center. I've definately made an error in my educational history, maybe I should've taken those highschool classes in power mechanics or auto body. <br /> <br /> I'm not feelin too well about things right now, I might as well be working at McDonalds for all I care.<br /> <br /> I'm too depressed to even growl.words, words, words...they come, they go... http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/1506 Read in the paper today that the film I had auditioned for and had call backs for (good ones) got the plug pulled because one of the producers couldn't produce the money. So, I called the casting director to confirm this (also because I was growing facial hair for the role and I wanted to know if I could shave it off) Indeed, the film had been nixed. Then! Then he tells me I actually had the role! Like 10+ days! A Lead Role! @*#%'n *%#@%@!!! Then I get a call from another casting director an hour later that there's an audition set up for me for tomorrow, ok. I pick up the sides and it's for "the studious type" I look in the mirror and I think..."hmmm, studious? Erm, no. Biker, drug dealer, thug, bum, dockworker, yes; but, not studious. So, here i am trying to learn the scenes for tomorrow, for a role I'm really not right for. Bah! I don't know why I started acting again...should've stayed behind the camera, or in bartending, hell, I could pimp looking like I do right now! Though on a brighter note (somewhat) I found a site <br /> <br /> www.truefoodnow.org <br /> <br /> that let's you know what foods are Genetically Engineered and what aren't, seeing as North America doesn't have a labeling system to give us an informed choice. Hah! "Informed Choice"??? In North America!?!?! It's there, just gotta dig deep baby!<br /> <br /> right back to these lines...<br /> ...and I gotta shave...and find my glasses...<br /> (at least it's for an adaptation of a Carol Shields story)<br /> lub'n'hugs'n'fartz<br /> bd.God, am I back in University? http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/1477 Just woke up, for the third time today. Bloody marvelous hangover, thinking of calling Guiness... Rented "FUBAR" from Movie Village and picked up 48 cans of beer. My roomate and I tried to shotgun a beer every time someone shotguns a beer in the movie...'nuf said. Think I'm going to go each a chili dawg, yeah, that'll fix everything. A chili dawg and some fries.<br /> <br /> bd