]> laurenlnh's blog http://www.inpassing.org/blog/view/311 enOk...First post and Econ quotes http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/1398 Ok...so this is my first post. The next few posts are going to be me catching up with quotes I've written down but not done anything with.<br> I'm a big quote junkie; Inpassing is right up my alley.<br> So here goes. Starting with my econ class.<br><br> "We all end up with snicker's bars and no teeth" Gottheil 8-27<br> "I know a guy that can keep his head underwater for 12 minutes. And that's a big deal." Gottheil 8-27<br> "So you went to get some SARS" TA 8-29 <br> "You want to grab the kid and hug the kid but then you'd get arrested." Gottheil 9-3 <br> "I just gave you the history of 1930's Russia" Gottheil 9-8<br> "This girls works in the computer lab...and this guy is in jail." Gottheil 9-8 <br> "What's the point of this story? I'm not quite sure." Gottheil 9-10 <br> "I just don't want to be in a lifeboat with other people to bother me." Gottheil 9-15<br> "Your (dating) market has expanded considerably because of the internet" Gottheil 9-15 <br> "You spit out little toes..." Gottheil 9-17 about chicken feet soup <br> "When you don't plan a lecture, this is what happens." Gottheil 9-17 <br> "She was hit by a truck. This lecture is not going where I want it to go." Gottheil 9-24<br> "So I say Dummy! (which is what I call my wife, affectionately)" Gottheil 9-24 <br> "When to produce and when not to produce. I feel like Shakespeare. To be or not to be." TA 10-3 <br>