]> Intelligirly's blog http://www.inpassing.org/blog/view/172 enepoch, turning point, freaked out beyond belief http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/2476 I, umm...I just quit my job. !!!!!!!<br /> <br /> Scared to death and want to sing, "Free at last, free at last...Thank God Almighty, I am free at last!" Which seems terribly appropriate, come to think of it, considering what yesterday was.epoch http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/2417 Ahh, bliss. Today is my birthday. I'm younger than Steff, but older than...hmmm..who am I older than on here? Eve!! I'm older than Eve. <br /> <br /> I love my birthday! Also the birthday of Beethoven, Jane Austen and the Boston Tea Party. <br /> <br /> I'd like snow, please! <br /> <br /> This doesn't fit, but I just wanted to throw it in somewhere. I'm overhearing myself, does that count?Beware, miscreants! http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/2413 "Only he whose deeds are evil is afraid of Christmas." <br /> --Our (Steff and I) mother, once again proving the apple doesn't fall far from the completely random tree. Ahh, genetics.Scanners are fun! http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/2076 "Call City Hall. You need to talk to Jean about a ... burning problem." <br /> <br /> Heard over the scanner, complete with pause for thought on how to put the statement. Sounds rather personal to me.In which I prove my worth http://www.inpassing.org/node/view/1757 Conversation between Steff and I: We were going through one of those question book thingies last night, and this question came up--"Would you like your spouse to be smarter and more attractive than you?" <br /> <br /> Intelligirly: "Yes."<br /> Steff: "Well, not way more. I mean don't want to look like a drooling idiot over here."<br /> Intelligirly: "Well, way more attractive, by all means. But probably not way more smarter."<br /> <br /> Orrrrr, maybe that would be a good thing. :D